Friday, December 23, 2011
Christian Parenting
I always thought I had a great relationship with God but of course everybody can always use some work in that area. I still rely on God a lot and pray all of the time but not as much as I use to. I feel so distant from him at the moment but I also know it's my own doing because God never goes anywhere. He doesn't turn his back on me, I'm the one that has pushed him away and I have no clue why.
The second day of devotions opens with this verse from Matthew 17:20 "For I assure you: If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." This is one of my favorite bible verses and everytime I hear or read it I remind myself that I just need to trust in God and have a little faith and give every little thing to God. In this day and age I think it's hard for anybody to do that because we live in such a world where we all feel as if we have to be in control. When something isn't entirely in our hands we just don't think it's right, but we seem to forget that as Christians nothing is every entirely in our hands. God is in control of everything and we just have to have faith and believe that the right thing will happen. God knows what's going to happen before it ever occurs.
My devotion for today is to examine my own faith and I'm finding it very hard for some reason. So, after reading the devotional several times this morning and attempting to reflect on it a few lines stood out to me. I want to share them with you. On page 17 it says 'Thomas Brooks spoke for believers of every generation when he observed, "Christ is the sun, and all the watches of our lives should be set by the dial of his motion." Christ, indeed, is the ultimate Savior of mankind and the personal Savior of those who believe in Him. As his servants, we should place Him at the very center of our lives and at the center of our households. When we do, we are blessed today, tomorrow, and throughout eternity.'
That statement by Thomas Brooks is so very true and I have never thought about God that way. The only difference that I see is that God is like the sun and the moon because he's always around no matter what time of the day or night. Philip Yancey once said "Faith means believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse." Boy is that true! So, I'm going to reflect on these two thoughts for the day and evaluate my own faith. I've got to focus on myself and my relationship with God before I can help my children develop a relationship with God.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Days 4 & 5
On days 4 & 5 I'm so thankful for my husband and children. Without them I'd be a nobody.
My husband is my best friend, my other half. He is the only thing that keeps me sane on a day to day basis. If I had a dollar for every time I called him during the day just to hear the voice of another adult I'd be rich. Somedays he's the only adult I interact with but somehow he manages to keep me sane.
I'm still completely amazed and gracious that God blessed me with not one, but two healthy children. My children are my world and I've always said that I was put on this Earth to be a mother. I'm lucky enough to be a full-time sahm and spend all of my time with my munchkins. Like every other kid out there my kids can make me smile, laugh, and pull my hair out all within a 2 minute span of time but at the end of the day I know I have the right job.
Of course I need a break from time to time, and between my husband and other family members I'm lucky enough to get that break, but my kids absolutely bring a ton of joy to my life and I am so thankful for that.
I know this was a short post but I've had a long day and we're all exhausted. I'm calling it a night but we've had a great weekend, hopefully I'll get a chance to post about it tomorrow.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Day 3
I didn't get a chance to post yesterday afternoon because I was helping my beautiful little cousin get dressed for her winter formal. So, today I will post days 3 and 4.
For day 3 I'm thankful for my best friend, Samantha Cooley. Once a month we have dinner, just the two of us. Not only is it great because I have a chance to spend time with another adult but I use the time we spend together to kind of bring things back into perspective.
I definitely need to do that more than once a month but she just has a way of helping me do it very easily.
We've known each other for what seems like forever but in reality for over 10 years. When we were 13 and 14 we started taking dance together and did so throughout high school. I graduated a year before her and went to college while she finished her senior year of high school.
I hadn't talked to her in probably a year or more until my second year of college when I almost literally ran into on the sidewalk. We talked for a bit and I went on about my business. Then I walked into one of my classes I think it was my second semester and she was in my class. Come to find out we happened to be going to school for the same thing. That was 2007 & we've been best friends ever since. Heck, she was the second person to know I was pregnant with Ave...she was second only to Brent.
I don't know what I'd do without her.
Now, she's about to become a member of the motherhood club and I'm thrilled. I might possibly be more excited about her going through labor and delivery than I was for myself...that's probably because I won't be experiencing contractions or pain or an epidural or any of the other lovely things that come along with l&d! Of course, all of it's worth it when the reward is a beautiful, healthy baby!
Ok, I have to finish getting ready for a Pampered Chef party tomorrow...I'll have to double up on posts tomorrow. Goodnight peeps and God bless!